Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coffee Talk

Last Friday I went out with 2 of my favorite girls on the planet, Ashley and Lisa, I have known these 2 girls for over 10 years, we get together as often as we can seeing how we are all Moms and work and do it all. This was the first night I put on makeup and attempted to see the world again after my long, painful and dreadful week. We decided to go for tacos and beers at this little Mexican joint by my house, after our dinner and 63 "oh my god this food is so good" comments, we were trying to figure out where we could go for a martini , after realizing that we didn't want to drink, we pranced on over to Starbucks for some lattes and girl talk. We talked about our pregnancies, the fun stories of breast feeding, our dreams of maybe having more babies, our love life's (and by that I mean sex) our shoes and 2012, of course!

Some of my most gorgeous friends are all Mothers, I love how we still manage to have some glamour in our life's, I often think a lot of woman lose that when they become mothers, Ashley and Lisa are beautiful, independent, smart, funny, glamorous Woman, that just happen to be super duper Moms. All of us with different stories. Lisa has a family and a home with Doug, Ashley just got engaged a couple of weeks ago to a fantastic fella...and I am.....well ,I am just a Gypsy.

In the end we learned that breast feeding is super important but extremely uncomfortable and messy, I had the biggest baby out of the 3 of us, Elijah weighing in at 8 pounds 12 ounces and that there is a shoe sale at Nordstroms this weekend!
Ash, Lisa and Barby
*oh, don't mind me, I always sit like that

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