My little Brother QuiQue (Enrique) 11 months younger then me. We shared a heart to heart on his front porch tonight over a cigg (which I quit a while ago but have puffed enough in the last couple of days to get a nice cough going.. I remember why I quit, YUCKYCACA) we talked, we have not done that in a long time, he is about to be a Dad again at the end of the month, a little girl in our family, we are all so excited but I can see that QuiQue is nervous, I said "you're going to be just fine" he looked at me, put his hand on my shoulder and said the same to me.
Kike: you wana buy a fish tank?
Me: No, not really
Kike: Dam!
After a long debate on how to spell his nickname QuiQue, I still ended up calling him an obscene racist nickname for a Jew (kike)
Lovely blog!