Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello Again

Gosh, Palm Trees make me happy, I decided! I'm back in the lovely state of California today. My flings with the East and West coast continue, as my summer fling is with traveling lately. Can you join the Mile High Club solo?. I'm not complaining.


  1. Hey Barby,

    I was checking out my boy Blake's fb account and I knew he had a lady friend so then I clicked on you and saw your blog so my wife and I checked it out. Blake has always had game but we didn't think he could pull off hanging with you. Your Paris video was amazing and you seem like a total bad ass. Maybe we will meet you soon. Cubby and Amanda

  2. Wait, I heard you two were done?

  3. First of all, thank you Cubby and Amanda for the sweet comment. I love your photography. Amanda.

    Anonymous, I am not in a serious thing with anyone and Blake (FG, thats his name people) and I are still cool!

    Thats all I am going to say about that!
